Organizations recognize the benefits of high-performing teams—but how do individuals learn to work together to form them? In order to maximize productivity and effectively solve problems, team members must use specialized skills and processes to deal with team challenges.

What is this team building seminar-workshop all about?

This workshop introduces members of intact teams to the importance of teams to overall organizational effectiveness, and to the stages of team development. Participants develop a definition of high performance for their team and create a team charter, while learning methods and processes designed to support effective team behaviors.

Who will benefit from this teambuilding seminar and workshop?

This teambuilding workshop is intended for employees at all levels who are members of intact teams. Managers and senior leaders who oversee the activities of teams will also benefit, whether or not they are technically “members” of the team.

What are the benefits of bring this teambuilding seminar and workshop to your company?

Intact teams gain the opportunity to reach high performance through activities that help team members acquire the skills they need to deal with typical team challenges, such as:

  • Developing a clear and compelling team purpose
  • Demonstrating trustworthy team leadership and team relations
  • Gaining and keeping organizational support
  • Personal fears about working in teams
  • Developing accountability in teams
  • Balancing process compliance with results orientation
  • Determining who gets the “credit” for work

Learning Objectives of this team building seminar and workshop

Participants will be able to:
  • Describe the importance of teams to organizational effectiveness.
  • Define the stages of team development.
  • Agree on a definition of high performance for their team.
  • Create a team charter and commit to successful execution of the charter.


Apply methods and processes designed to support effective team behaviors.

Introduction to the Importance of Teams to Organizational Effectiveness

Benefits of High-Performing Teams: Fact or Fiction?

What I Want to Learn About Team Effectiveness

Defining and Achieving High Performance

Stages of Team Development

Creating Operating Agreements for Your Team

Creating Your Team Charter

Consensus in Team Decision-Making

Creating a Team Action Plan

Instructional Methods. Attendee participation in a series of both large and small group exercises and discussions is interspersed with lecturettes and commentary by the instructor, who also acts as a group facilitator.

Bring this team building seminar to your organization today!


Whether or not it is their specific mission, most teams inside organizations are created to solve either one or a series of business problems. Even established tasks often present teams with new challenges, as business methods or workflows change. For these reasons, effective teams must know how to define and analyze problems and to make decisions that help reach desired outcomes. A solid problem-solving process helps them do this with maximized efficiency.

What is this teambuilding seminar for?

This teambuilding workshop provides your intact teams the opportunity to learn about and develop a solid problem-solving process that incorporates tools for problem analysis and decision making.

Individuals learn how to ask questions that promote good decisions, and how to use decision grids to support their team’s approach to a specific issue. Team members will develop both personal and team action plans for improving their problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Who Should Attend this teambuilding seminar?

This teambuilding workshop is intended for employees at all levels who are members of intact teams. Managers and senior leaders who oversee the activities of teams will also benefit, whether or not they are “members” of the team.

Benefits of this team building seminar

By the end of the teambuilding workshop, participants will gain the skills to:

  • Define and analyze team problems
  • Describe desired outcomes
  • Identify and evaluate options for solving team problems
  • Apply decision-making tools to narrow down options
  • Plan and implement solutions

Learning Objectives of this team building seminar

At the end of this teambuilding workshop, participants will be able to:

    • List the essential steps in the problem-solving process
    • Summarize key decision-making methods
    • Describe questions and behaviors that promote good decisions
    • Use decision grids
    • Apply what they have learned about problem solving and decision making to a real problem that their team is facing
    • Create a plan of action for improving their team’s problem-solving and decision-making skills

Outline of the team building seminar

  • Problem Solving
  • What Do We Know about Solving Problems
  • The Problem-Solving Process
  • Making Decisions
  • What Do We Know about Making Decisions
  • Decision-Making Methods
  • Decision Grids
  • Risk, Contingency Planning and Problem Prevention
  • Creating and Implementing Action Plans

Instructional Methods

Interactive and experiential. Attendees participate in a series of group activities including large group discussions and participant notebook review, complemented by a series of lecturettes.

Bring this team building seminar to your organization today!


Experienced team members know that defining their team’s purpose is just the beginning—what follows is the hard work of managing day-to-day relationships among not just core members of the team but also the external stakeholders who contribute to the team’s success. In order to accomplish the goals and tasks for which they are accountable, team members must establish a foundation of trust and the ability to work out the differences that can sometimes hinder productivity.

What is this team building seminar and workshop for?

This team-building workshop provides your intact teams the opportunity to increase their effectiveness and maximize their fundamental strengths by learning the critical skills to successfully navigate complex team dynamics. Developing the ability to build team relationships, deal appropriately and proactively with differences and conflicts, present issues and disagreements in a clear and constructive manner and to recognize, respond to and give constructive feedback allows team members to develop win-win solutions, increasing productivity and individual satisfaction.

Who Should Attend this teambuilding seminar and workshop?
This workshop is intended for employees at all levels who are members of intact teams. Managers and senior leaders who oversee the activities of teams will also benefit, whether they are technically “members” of the team or not.

What are the benefits of this team building seminar and workshop to our company?
Teams composed of individuals who understand team dynamics can:

Establish an environment of trust and mutual support
Respond nondefensively to issues raised in the team environment
Identify different types of conflict, resulting in a clearer path to resolution
Express issues and disagreements clearly and directly while using constructive feedback techniques
Resolve differences by negotiating win-win solutions

Learning Objectives of this Teambuilding seminar and workshop
At the end of this teambuilding workshop, participants will be better able to:

  • Master various aspects of team dynamics, including differences and conflicts
  • Identify the role of trust in team development
  • Listen actively to the opinions of others
  • Give and receive constructive feedback
  • Assess networks, roles and relationships that impact team success and contribute to conflicts or less-than-effective results
  • Identify win-win solutions and work to achieve them

Learning content of this teambuilding training

Team Dynamics
Differences and Team Dynamics
Trust and Team Dynamics
Dealing with Our Own Team’s Differences
Bringing Up an Issue
The Importance of Active Listening
The Role of Feedback
Role Clarity in Team Dynamics

Dealing with Differences Outside Our Team

Relationship Mapping

Negotiating a Solution

Who is the team building faciltator of this workshop?
We have a team of teambuilding facilitators. The chief facilitator for most of our teambuilding workshop is Jef Menguin. He designs the programs with you. There are times when we have teambuilding programs for two or three companies run on same dates. We ensure that each team of facilitators completely understand the rhyme and reason of every activities in our teambuilding programs. We ensure that each teambuilding workshop is facilitated by someone who fully understand your team objectives.

Team building, Mentoring, and Coaching Skills

Bring this teambuilding seminar to your organization today!

As a manager, what kind of relationship would you like to have with your employees … Leader? Friend? Teacher? Mentor?

… the person who motivates them, guides them, encourages them, and makes them want to win?

Forward-thinking managers have discovered that the same skills that coaches use to create winners in athletics work in a business setting as well. This innovative one-day team-building seminar is designed to teach you powerful employee coaching methods to turn even problem employees into super-productive, motivated winners!

Make your team members want to give 110% — for themselves, and for their team!

You’ll instill the kind of energy and enthusiasm that makes productivity soar. How? Supplement your own managerial abilities with compelling employee coaching and counseling skills, and watch the incredible results. This team-building seminar will teach you step by step, how to produce a manager’s “game plan” that ensures you’ll reach your goals and objectives. Plus, find out how to maximize every employee’s abilities … and uncover strengths and talents you never knew existed!

Transform your work group into a cohesive, coordinated team!

Imagine how much your team could accomplish if it functioned as one well-organized unit. This team-building training shows you how to pull everyone together with a shared drive and purpose.

Invest just one day of your time, and the benefits of employee coaching will change your life as a manager; you’ll witness an exciting synergy among your employees, mutual support within your group, a sense of interdependence and exchange, and most of all, incredible productivity from your team as a unit.

Enroll today and learn a new approach to enhance and maximize your management potential!


Building Your Leaders Capacity for Innovation and Creativity

Picture a company that encourages innovation and creativity—and turns it into patented technologies, streamlined processes, and market leadership. Where people can suggest the impossible and take wrong turns. Where teams take sparks of creativity and breathe life into them.

Fuel your future with creativity
We help open your organization’s mind, one brain at a time. Our customized programs foster creativity and innovation that fuel your business. When your company values and supports innovation, people become more open to (and accountable for) creating and implementing new ideas.

Your people bring back key competencies and new attitudes to their work, achieving more a ha! moments per hour. And your business grows stronger and faster thanks to new access to collective creativity.

We can help you build a culture that nurtures ideas—one where raw creativity transforms into applied innovation and real business value.

Building the Spirit of Teamwork

Teamwork is the heart and soul of a company, organization, family or relationship. Groups are comprised of individuals; and individual drive, skills and motivation are essential to the success of the group.

But it’s the spirit of teamwork that breathes life and creativity into your organization.

A key role of every leader is to continually build teamwork within her or his organization. Unfortunately, most managers and supervisors unwittingly sabotage their own team building efforts on a daily basis through a lack of awareness. Our team building workshops are designed to create a new level of teamwork awareness, not only in management, but in every member of your team.

A Team Building Workshop for Your Team

Contact us today to schedule a fun and effective team building workshop for your team. After gathering information about your team through an exchange of emails and a phone call, we will send you a detailed outline of the team building program we recommend. Depending on your style and current situation, your workshop may include:

o Team building activities
o Interactive training & exercises
o Assessments
o Role play
o Facilitated group discussions

…or all of the above. Our workshops range from a short one-hour program that can be included in an already-sheduled meeting or conference, to a dedicated, multiple-day event.

Teamwork in a Different Context

Our team building workshops build the spirit of teamwork by creating a teamwork experience in a different context. The daily routine of work is generally focused on the tasks at hand. Employees often get stressed out or stuck in task-focused habit patterns that cause them to lose sight the value of teamwork. When interpersonal conflicts arise, they get defensive and act in ways that break down teamwork. When managers and supervisors consistently do this, it ripples through the organization and de-motivates the entire team. The team needs a change of context.

You can schedule your team building workshop on-site or in an off-site location, such as a nearby (or not so nearby) hotel, resort or meeting facility. We work with you to plan the details, and we provide the training, facilitation and team building activities. By getting everyone out of the daily work context and into a new, teamwork-focused context, we create a powerful experience that results in a new level of teamwork awareness and organizational change.

Fun & Games with a Purpose

There’s no question about it, our team building workshops are fun! Regardless of the size of your group, we will facilitate creative team activities that are guaranteed to elicit laughter, fun and enjoyment. But there’s a purpose behind everything we do: building the spirit of teamwork. Every activity is followed by an interactive debrief, during which we discuss what happened during the experience and how it relates to teamwork in the workplace. Activities, discussions and training are seamlessly blended together to make your workshop an effective catalyst for change.

A Profound Team Building Experience

You can train people in the principals of teamwork, and we certainly do that. But our workshops go much deeper than typical classroom training. We immerse your people in a team building experience. Team members get to know each other in new ways, and new connections are formed. The assessments and exercises open new dimensions of understanding and empathy. Participants gain deep insights about teamwork through the fun, activities, training and team interaction that would not be possible through simply being exposed to new information about teamwork.

A Team Building Event and an Ongoing Program

Once your team experiences one of our workshops, you will want to develop an ongoing team building program. We can design a program for you that keeps the energy building, consisting of:

* Periodic team building workshops conducted by us, or by your in-house training people
* Initiatives, assessments and tools, designed to increase awareness and accountability
* One-on-one coaching and consulting with managers, supervisors and key members of your team
* Training seminars and workshops to build interpersonal skills

We provide the tools to help your managers and supervisors keep the spirit of teamwork growing within your organization. Contact us today for more information about our programs and a free team building consultation.

Team Building Requires Action

Team building is what effective leaders do every day. They do it because they are aware of the value of teamwork, and they see how their attitudes and actions either build teamwork or break it down. When every member of your team becomes an effective leader, teamwork flourishes. Team building requires awareness, and awareness requires action. Take action and schedule a team building workshop for your team now!

Creating Mission, Vision and Values

Sailing Your Company Ship With Intention – Build The Framework to Support Success

Ironically, the linchpin to corporate achievement is the hardest element to create in a vacuum. Bringing in an expert facilitator like Jef Menguin to guide your team through this process can pay huge dividends. It is a notably smoother and accelerated progression towards finalizing this all important context for your business with expert assistance. Best of all, the relationship with the facilitator will be an ongoing one. This program offers continued support so that the living Mission, Vision & Values you’ve created continue to evolve and drive your company’s success.

* Create a Sense of Purpose Within Your Company
* Clarify and Define Company Values
* Eliminate Directional Ambiguity
* Build Consistency Within Your Business
* Link Vision to Day-to-day Reality
* Ensure Understanding of Corporate Mission
* Make Certain Business Stakeholders Remain Focused
* Know What Success Looks Like So You’ll Know When You Get There!

Make sure that the Mission, Vision and Values of your business exist within the minds and hearts of your staff. These concepts are at the core of your company. And as such, they must reach beyond existing as a footnote to your website or a sign on the wall reception.

Jef Menguin will deliver this program in tandem with any other program or as a standalone product. The more company stakeholders that can be involved with this process, the better.

Call us today to discuss how this program will benefit you.